Cloud Nine TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlepale purplish pink to light greenish yellow shifting metallic
Bubblegum Crisis ZeniShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlebrilliant purplish pink to moderate yellow gold shifting metallic
Blue Raspberry TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlevivid blue to deep purplish pink shifting metallic
Afterburner TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlestrong orange yellow through deep yellow to light yellowish green shifting metallic
4D Glasses TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlebrilliant bluish green through vivid greenish blue to vivid reddish purple shifting metallic
3D Glasses TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottlestrong bluish-green to deep purplish red shifting metallic