Dragon Shields: (100) Gold

Clear front & Gold back. Warm and metallic, for the gilded royalty.
Classic is the original Dragon Shield sleeve. Smooth with a glossy back and unparalleled seal strength.
100 sleeves per box.
For cards measuring up to 63×88 mm (2½”x3½”).
PVC-free polypropylene sleeves, no acid. Archival safe.
120 μm quality thickness.
Sturdy cardboard box fits 75+ sleeved cards.
Box lid has a label for your personal use.
Designed for use with Magic the Gathering™, Pokémon™ and other card games.
Pontifex the Precious Father
When primitive man first found gold on Arcania, it was in the shape of dragon scales. These scales were said to be the sheddings of Pontifex. Time would then churn them into fragments and scatter them about the world over aeons.
Gold dragons are amongst the most rare of the ancient dragons. They are always male and can vary greatly in size. The secret of their reproduction has never been discovered. One theory is that fragments of stars falling to earth are their beginnings, made live by powerful magic on Arcania. Pontifex has not been seen since before the time of “The Cleansing”.